Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Hills Have Eyes - 2006 Edition

Hey dudes and dudettes, I liked this one. This is a classic horror remake. A suburban family, with likeable characters, gets stranded out in the desert. This a family vacation gone horribly wrong. Please people, do no take the shortcut off the interstate! If you do, they will make a horror movie about your trip. The freaks in the hills are a comin'. The freaks in the hills are a comin'. This movie shows the bad effects of several years of nuclear radiation. The gore-a-meter hits a solid 8 1/2. An Airstream trailer is no refuge against a group of hungry, radiation-laden demons from hell. I especially liked the freaks with a heart. The movie dude gives this one a "the remake could be better than the original". Enjoy horror fans!! Check out the official website at:

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