Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hairspray - 2007 Edition

This move sucks!!! It makes me want to pass a wet sock through my urinal tract. John Travolta, what is up? First, Wild Hogs? That was acceptable, maybe you needed some quick cash to adopt a foreign child, but Hairspray? John is dressed up as a middle-aged, bee-hive hair doo mom in this musical from hell. I had flashbacks to Little Shop of Horrors. At least Steve Martin was semi funny as a dentist in that one. The soundtrack makes you want to stick a fork in your eye. Where is Quentin Tarantino? With that said, my ten year old girl loved it! The movie girl gives it "Five out of five backpacks". The movie dude gives it "I would rather french kiss a camel on a hot Africa night." Check out the official site at:

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