Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wind Chill

Wake me up. I fell asleep and dreamed about another scary move. This movie is not so good. Emily Hunt is good. I like dark haired chicks, and she could definitely keep frost bite away from my extremities. This movies lacks something. I believe it is called a plot. Oh, and it lacks something else, dialogue. Please skip this one. I wasted $3.99 and it makes me want to take another shot. The most interesting thing about this one is that George Clooney was the executive producer. George, please comp me a hand at the casino for watching this one. The movie dude gives this one a "Do not give away your college fund for the pay-per-view cost". Check out the official website at:

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Hills Have Eyes - 2006 Edition

Hey dudes and dudettes, I liked this one. This is a classic horror remake. A suburban family, with likeable characters, gets stranded out in the desert. This a family vacation gone horribly wrong. Please people, do no take the shortcut off the interstate! If you do, they will make a horror movie about your trip. The freaks in the hills are a comin'. The freaks in the hills are a comin'. This movie shows the bad effects of several years of nuclear radiation. The gore-a-meter hits a solid 8 1/2. An Airstream trailer is no refuge against a group of hungry, radiation-laden demons from hell. I especially liked the freaks with a heart. The movie dude gives this one a "the remake could be better than the original". Enjoy horror fans!! Check out the official website at:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hairspray - 2007 Edition

This move sucks!!! It makes me want to pass a wet sock through my urinal tract. John Travolta, what is up? First, Wild Hogs? That was acceptable, maybe you needed some quick cash to adopt a foreign child, but Hairspray? John is dressed up as a middle-aged, bee-hive hair doo mom in this musical from hell. I had flashbacks to Little Shop of Horrors. At least Steve Martin was semi funny as a dentist in that one. The soundtrack makes you want to stick a fork in your eye. Where is Quentin Tarantino? With that said, my ten year old girl loved it! The movie girl gives it "Five out of five backpacks". The movie dude gives it "I would rather french kiss a camel on a hot Africa night." Check out the official site at:

The Shining - Director's Cut

A classic. Jack Nicholson at his finest. Great classic horror soundtrack. The Overlook hotel has some strange guests this winter. Please keep the short wave radio on at all times and keep an eye out for the small boy on the tricycle. Adventure awaits him. Oh, and please do not play with the twins in the Easter blue dresses. Can you spell "REDRUM" backwards? You can after this flick. This movie makes me want to sleep with Popeye's girlfriend with the lights on!!! The movie dude says "It must be in your DVD collection!" No shortcut to the latest website here. Check it out on IMDB at:

HOSTEL Part II - Unrated Director's Cut

I like this one. It is certified as shocking and explicit. I liked the first one better. Maybe the girls were a little bit hotter. The cover says "MORE VIOLENT, INTENSE, AND BLOODY THAN THE ORIGINAL". I can not disagree. The setting is again in Europe, and the train system has taken our ill-fated stars into not so friendly territory. This move is like Cabin Fever without the cabin. I especially liked how the clients of the gore party were bidding on their future victims complete with pictures. You have to love the iPhone. The beautiful young woman who lures our victim into the ces pit of human evil could tempt me to shave my nads on a holiday weekend. The movie dude gives this one a "I liked it a lot dude!" Check out the official site at

DEATH PROOF - Extended and Unrated

I love this movie. What is not to like. We have hot girls, eight (8) to be exact. Each one as hot as the other. I felt like a frat boy at the invite-only sorority party during rush. To top that level of excitement, we have cars, fast, adrenaline pumping cars. We have muscle cars of yesteryear, most notably a Dodge Challenger with a hard on for trouble. Girls strapped in, and trust me, they are, should brace for action. Oh, and did I mention Kurt Russell. I'm not a huge fan of Kurt, but he definitely oozes cool in this movie. If reminds me of Pulp Fiction without the cruise control. This is pedal to metal fun with some awesome stunt sequences. Fans of gore and guts will also enjoy the aftermath of a short ride with Mr. Russell. I don't want to give it away, but if you like to see strong women in film, this one delivers. The movie dude give this a "hell ya! dude" for the hot girls in daisy dukes, the super smooth dialogue, and the rumble seat from hell. Check out the website at