Tuesday, January 1, 2008


This movie is very strange. I thought it was horror movie when I pushed the 'order now' button on my remote. Days later, I'm still not sure. It is more of a neurotic journey with Ashley Judd. I like Ashley Judd, no doubt. Ashley is hot, but kind of slutty hot like Angelique Jolie without all of the tattoos and the thick lips. Back to the movie. To summarize the plot, the movie is about a drifter who is paranoid about 'bugs'. Not the big, killer kind of bugs, but tiny, microscopic critters planted in your head kind of bugs. Yeah, it is strange. The movie dude says, "I like Ashley Judd in the cutoff jean shorts, but not the plot." Check out the official website at: http://www.bugthemovie.com/ Later.

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